Container Workshop

Design and deploy containerized applications on AWS. Learn about VPC networking, security, container orchestration with ECS, and integrate services for high availability and scalability.
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1-Intro: Design enterprise grade AWS infrastructure for container workloads

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2-Design Considerations: AWS Container Workloads

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3-Building Blocks of AWS: Account, Regions and Availability Zones.

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4-VPC: Build VPC to host your containers

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5-Subnets: Creating subnets for your resources

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6:Routing- Understand how routing works within VPC

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7-InternetGateway: Setting up internet gateway for internet access.

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8:CustomRouting - Create custom routes to better control VPC traffic

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9:NATGateway - How to enable resources in private subnet access to internet

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10:VPCFlowLogs - Capture VPC flow logs for traffic analysis.

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11:Automation - Use CloudFormation, CDK or CloudKitect Components for Automation

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12:ENI - Configuring ENIs to control application traffic.

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13:SecurityGroups: Control traffic within your VPC using Security Groups

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14: NACL- Add additional layer of security to your VPC traffic via Network Access Control Lists

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15:Compute- Compute options available in AWS.

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16:Elastic Container Services - Explore Container Orchestration Service by AWS

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17: ECS Cluster - Setting up ECS cluster for running containerized applications

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18:Docker- Containerize your application to be used by ECS

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19:ECR - Host your docker images in Amazon ECR

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20:TaskDefinition - Configure how to run your application in ECS using TaskDefinition as blueprint.

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21: ECS Service: Run desired no of tasks continuously using ECS service scheduler.

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22: Application Load Balancer: Improve availability with Application Load Balancer

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23:Route53 - Amazon Managed Domain Name Service

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24:CertificateManager - Secure communication channel with your application

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25:CloudFront - Enhance performance using AWS Managed Content Delivery Network - CDN

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26: WAF - Protect your application against various threats and exploits

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27: Autoscaling - Grow your infrastructure with demand and shrink to save cost.

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